Our 60-Year Reunion

Our three-day celebration of our friendship and common bond was a heart-warming event that we'll never forget. Overall, about 50 attended, with most of us at the Eagle House on Wednesday and at Rizotto on Thursday.


Wednesday evening, September 11, saw a lot of us packed into a small room in the Eagle House, all chatting and reconnecting.


On Thursday afternoon, September 12, we had a guided tour of the school building. We were amazed at the additions to the school—the pool was no more; it had been filled in and converted to a weight room, where we saw about 30 students pumping iron. And there are now two gyms! Where we used to board the buses, a whole new wing has been added, containing a maker space, an audiovisual lab, a computer lab, and a machine shop. There are now three music rooms on the west side. See a recent view from space at the bottom of "The Building" page.


Thursday night was the main event at Rizotto Italian Eatery and Sweetery on Maple road between North Forest and Hopkins. Before the gourmet buffet dinner, the reunion committee introduced themselves and mentioned the sponsors of the reunion. A few others spoke, we raised our glasses to some classmates who couldn't attend but donated their paid fees to the event, and we saw a video tribute to our classmates who have passed away.


Then a few of us met on Friday, September 13, for a farewell brunch at the Olympic restaurant across from the airport.

Photos of the Reunion

At the Eagle House

Submitted mostly by Dan Heinlen. Click to enlarge.

The School Tour

Click to enlarge.

At Rizotto

Submitted by Judi Alaimo Mazziotti and Dan Heinlen. Click to enlarge.

Still accepting photos! Send as an email attachment to jimgroh@comcast.net.